
Tutorial SEO ( Best ) Tips And Trik

Why am I Creating It?

Especially to help people get started because I love helping others when I can.

I have read some SEO tips provided in some forums and for me it seems people are stuck in the past.

People are still selling Ebooks here and there and the main tip for SEO is adding keyword meta tags.

LMFAO Doses Google does not use this again while indexing the site. This is how SEO worked 5-10 years ago

Step 1 - Choosing Your Domain

When it comes to choosing your domain this plays is a very important part in ensuring your going to have proper SEO down the road.

The first thing I am going to recommend is that you choose a domain with a .com TLD extension unless your targeting traffic from a
certain country then you could use .ca or .uk so on and so forth.

If your setting up a non profit website then I suggest you use the .org TLD.

The second thing I am going to recommend is that you pick a domain name is easy to remember, pronounce and is preferably not longer then 15 characters.

The third thing I recommend is that you choose a domain name with a keyword in the domain that matches you niche.
Example - If I was setting up a site to sell travel or vacations I would look for a domain such as hotvacationsales.com

As you can see the keyword vacation is in the domain, will be in the sites title and all through the content of the site allowing for perfect SEO in the long run.

Step 2 - Choosing A CMS Or Content Management System For Your Site

When it comes to running a website online you want the simplicity of easily being able to edit your sites features, members, content ect well on the go in a speedy fashion.

Why spend time coding a new image into your site when it can simply be added by the click of a button.

I recommend everyone I chat with to use WordPress as it is one of the most widely used content management systems world wide as well as it is one of the most powerful.

With a powerful stylish theme system you will be able to make your site look professional and lower your bounce % there for increasing your rankings.

WordPress uses powerful plugins to help you promote your site to the world as well as to help you with security, SEO, social networking and more.

4 plugins I recommend to get started would be...

Yoast - The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.

All In One SEO Pack - to help you with all aspects of SEO.

NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster - connects you with the top leading social networks in the world today and automatically
posts to the social networks for you allowing you to manage everything from one site.

Social Media Widget - Allows guests and members of your site to share any of the content on your site on there social media accounts.

Step 3 - Getting Listed In Google & Other Popular Search Engines

To get listed on the search engines your site first needs to be indexed by the search engine its self.
You can manually submit your site to the search engines to be indexed using the following links below.

Google - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url
Yahoo - https://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html
BING - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url

If you do not want to manually submit your site to the search engines you can wait and they will index your site eventually.

If you want your site to be indexed quickly I suggest you have unique fresh content on your site daily or weekly.

Search engines love new fresh content and do not like when you steal content from other sites,If it is the same then can tell and will lower your ranking for this.

Get a sitemap created for your site this will help and can be created with your all in 1 SEO plugin.

Step 4 - All About Back Links

This is where allot of people make mistakes when first starting out due to the fact they do not have the patience.

The biggest mistake I see is new domain owners wanting there site to be number one over night. Things take time.

The most common mistake most people make is the run out and purchase back links from site such as Fiverr, 10k back links for 5 dollars wow what a deal.

Did you know 10 PR7 and above back links are better then having 10k PR 0 back links ?

Did you know when google picks up on spam forum profile back links and classes it bad for your domain. This could lead to having trouble establishing the domain over time.

When it comes to back links they help tremendously but you need to go about the right way in getting them. Not all forum profiles are bad if your active and your profile page is some what active then this is acceptable.

Try to first get on allot of the popular social networks. Take the time to upload pics to the profiles and fill out the bio and about sections with your website and domain info.

Next you will need to do the foot work and jump on a few of the popular review sites out there and get some positive reviews linking to your site and to social media.

Sign up to sites that allow other to leave feedback about your site sites such as http://www.conceptfeedback.com/ works wonders.

Creating Videos. Some of the biggest sites out there are video sharing sites. YouTube Vimeo Daily Motion ect. This will help create direct links as well as drive traffic to you site.

Step 5 - Getting Traffic To Your Website

Allot of people I noticed seems to pay for direct traffic. Problem your not getting targeted traffic and most cases your getting bots.

The best way to get targeted traffic is to do the foot work yourself. There are some sites out there that sell targeted traffic but it is expensive.

I suggest signing up to community's that deals with your niche. If your promoting gaming sign up to gaming community's.

Make threads on the community's offering a incentive of some sort if they come check out your site and what your offering.

Chat Rooms - Make use of chat rooms word of mouth is a popular old way of promoting. If you make it sound interesting enough people will come.

Traffic exchange sites - Can get your traffic flowing quickly but also can lead to have google banning adsense from your domain and lower rankings. Not all traffic exchange site will do this.

Google Adwords, FaceBook ads, and BING Ads is one way of promoting.
I suggest BING ads as it it half the price of Google and you get double the traffic if used right.

When using BING use there keyword search tools and look for keywords with a lower search rate. This will allow you to bid on keywords with a lower CPC.

With a 25 dollar budget you can set 5 dollars a day on to a campaign where your targeting low searched keywords and generating targeted traffic to your site.

Some other popular sites you can use to start getting traffic and to establish you site would be Taboola (taboola.com) Viral Content Buzz (http://viralcontentbuzz.com/)

Thanks For Reading..............

Organic Seo Tips And Trick

Organic Seo Tips And Trick

Organic SEO this is not an easy job
You need a lot of patience

I will give a few tips that will make your site be promoted better

1. If your content does not change frequently, it is advisable that you add to a blog site. Adding three posts a week with good, quality content (not necessarily long), will help the search engine robots to know your site better.

2. When you build a list of links, you must think about quality over quantity! Link lonely, good, quality location, would be better than 20 links low quality.

3. It is important to keep the proportions the introduction of value that you want to advance in the search text page. The search engines will recognize if not exaggerate how many instances in the text and exaggerated expressions may download the importance of the page.

4. Consider using the toilet block viewing of the domain owner, the search engines may label this domain as a potential Spammer.

5. When optimizing the blog posts, have to optimize the blog title on the articles and the blog title page of the article itself.

6. Focus on the promotion of human values more than one word, in order to achieve higher results in search of targeted visits.

7. Do not use the services of a designer is not familiar with SEO considerations. Such designs could lead to new design of your site will hurt your search engine positions. If it is a new site, the designer is not familiar with SEO at all in the cause that your website is not engaging properly indexed.

8. Use the search you want to promote the values of ALT as photos and links.

9. Doug unique content rather than double because of problems with references - past the 301 redirect domain http://CrazyFish.com to http://www.CrazyFish.com - to avoid double scanning of content by search engines.

10. If you must use Javascript to build Drop Down menus, or use images in your navigation menu, use text links and replace them with CSS. So search engines to crawl the site menu properly

11. Do not be obsessed with the PageRank - it is a small portion of the search results algorithm. Low PR sites could circumvent high PR sites in search results.

12. Check that each page has searched the site focused. This value also enter the page title (Title). If you must add the name of the company any title page - put it at the end. Unless you work in a very large number of searches by company name will not be long.

13. Check the links that link to your site are based on the value the expression that you want to promote. That is, if you want to promote the "SEO", check the text of links that point to you is SEO or "click here

14. Using Frames, Flash or Ajax yielding a similar problem - the search engines can not crawl the content produced there. Try not to use these tools for the production of content that you want to promote to search engines.

15. The best way to index a new site not yet indexed by search engines is through the submission of an application form Register here. The best way is to get a quality Internet sites indexed.

16. The bottom line of SEO is: Text, Text Style, links, popularity and reputation.

17. If you absolutely must have Flash or image entry site (which really is not recommended), have at least an alternative to text and navigation links below the object.

18. Note that the text wraps around your images. Images received show, among other things, according to the text that surrounds them.

19. In order to promote videos on your website, it is best to create a Video Sitemap and index it into account Google Webmaster Central to the site (if you do not - it is highly desirable to open).

20. Use the word image or images ALL about your photos. Many users are looking for by value + the word "image".

Good luck :)

501 Web Site Secrets

Welcome to another Hacking Truths Manual. This time I have a collection of Tips and Tricks which no body normally knows, the secrets which Microsoft is afraid to tell the people, the information which you will seldom find all gathered up and arranged in a single file. To fully reap this Manual you need to have a basic understanding of the Windows Registry, as almost all the Tricks and Tips involve this file.
Important Note: Before you read on, you need to keep one thing in mind. Whenever you make changes to the Windows Registry you need to Refresh it before the changes take place. Simply press F5 to refresh the registry and enable the changes. If this does not work Restart your system
...................then you can READ HERE

Defacing Websites A Step By Step Process

Defacing Websites A Step By Step Process

In the past I have received a number of queries like: How do I deface websites? How do I replace someone else’s
web page with my own? Questions like these had become very common. After procrastinating this manual for some
weeks, I finally have got down to bringing it out.
Before we move on with this manual, it is important to note that this manual explores only one method of defacing
websites and the described process will not necessarily work on all target systems. Also note that we take an
imaginary target system X for the below steps.
Identifying a Vulnerable host
A number of system administrators have a tendency to keep even those ports on their system open, which have no
useful daemon running on them. One tip given to all system administrators is to close all those ports or disable all
those daemons/services, which have no great use. However, many system administrators around the world are both
too carefree and ignorant or lack the knowledge required to be able to get a list of running services and disabling the
not useful ones. In effect they keep their system vulnerable to outside attacks by keeping even those ports open,
which could have been done without.
The first step to be able to deface a website successfully is to identify a vulnerable host, against which you can carry
out attacks. The defacing process described in this manual requires for the Port 21 or the FTP port of the target
system to be open and allowing anonymous logins. In effect, you first step would be to port scan the target system X
and find out whether or not the FTP port is open, and if the FTP port is open, then whether it allows for anonymous
logins or not..........then you can READ HERE

Data Capacity of CDs [Tutorial]

Data Capacity of CDs [Tutorial]

You can fit on a S/VCD without overburning:
- approx. 735 MB of MPEG data onto a 74min/650MB disc
- approx. 795 MB of MPEG data onto an 80min/700MB disc

You can fit on a CD-ROM without overburning:
- approx. 650 MB of data onto a 74min/650MB disc
- approx. 703 MB of data onto an 80min/700MB disc


Let us ignore for now the terms of megabyte for CD capacity and try to understand how the data is stored on a CD.

As well all know, the data is stored digitally as binary data. This means, however the actual information is actually kept on the disc, this information is in the form of "1"s and "0"s. Physically, the information on a CD is as pits on a thin sheet of metal (aluminium).

An a CD-R disc, the data is physically on an organic dye layer which simulates the metal layer on a real pressed CD.


How is the information structured
Now, on the CD, the information isn't just organised from beginning to end willy-nilly. Otherwise, it would be really hard to find a useful piece of information on the CD.

Rather, the information is organised in sectors. Consider a sector as like a page in a book. Just like you are able to quickly find something in a book if you know the page number, you can quickly find something on a CD if you know the sector number.

Now, remember that the CD was original made to hold audio data. It was decided, that the CD would would 75 sectors per second of audio. Although I cannot guess where this number comes from, it is quite appropriate for the audio CD. It means that you can "seek" an audio CD accurately to 1/75th of a second -- which is more than enough for consumer purposes.

Now, with this in mind, we can work out the total data capacity of user data for 1 sector.


The total data capacity of user data of 1 sector on a CD
CD audio uses uncompressed PCM stereo audio, 16-bit resolution sampled at 44.1 kHz.

Thus 1 second of audio contains:
16 bits/channel * 2 channels * 44100 samples/second * 1 second
= 1411200 bits
= 176400 bytes

Since there are 75 sectors per second
1 sector
= 176400 bytes / 75
= 2352 bytes

One sector on a CD contains 2352 bytes max.


The concept of different MODES and FORMS of burning
Now, audio CD was well and good, but the medium would become much more useful if you could store other data on the disc as well. This became to be know as CD-ROM of course.

Now, the audio-CD uses the ENTIRE sector for audio data.

However, for CD-ROMs this caused a problem. Simply, CDs and the CD reading mechanisms were not 100% faultless. That is, errors (indeed frequent errors) could be made during the reading. For audio CDs, this does not matter as much as you could simply interpolate from the adjacent audio samples. This will obviously NOT DO for data CDs. A single bit error could lead to a program being unexecutable or ruin an achive file.

Thus, for CD-ROMs, part of each sector is devoted to error correction codes and error detection codes. The CD-R FAQ has the details, but in effect, only 2048 bytes out of a total of 2352 bytes in each sector is available for user data on a data CD.

This burning mode is either MODE1 or MODE2 Form1.


MODE2 Form2 sectors of VCDs and SVCDs
Now, for VCDs and SVCDs, the video tracks do not necessarily require the robust error correction as normal data on a CD-ROM. However, there is still some overhead per sector that is used for something other than video data (e.g., sync headers).

S/VCDs video tracks are burnt in what is called MODE2 Form2 sectors. In this mode, only 2324 bytes out of a total of 2352 bytes in each sector is available for user data.

This is MUCH MORE than for CD-ROMs, but still less per sector than audio CD.


The disc capacities of CD-ROMs, audio-CDs and VCDs
Now, obviously what ultimately determines the capacity of a disc is the total number of sectors it contains. This is similar to the total number of pages in a blank exercise book (if you recall the book analogy).

The secondary determinant is the burning mode of the disc.

For audio CDs, it is as if you could fill each page from top to bottom with audio data as the entire sector is used for audio data.

For CD-ROMs, it is as if you need to first rule a margin and then leave the bottom part of each page for footnotes (headers + ECC + EDC). The amount of text you can actually write per page is then less due to these other constraints.

For S/VCDs, we still need to rule a margin on the page, but we don't have to worry about the footnotes (headers). We can fit MORE text than a CD-ROM, but less than an audio-CD.

Now remember, 1 second on a CD = 75 sectors.

- 74 min CD = 333,000 sectors
- 80 min CD = 360,000 sectors

Data capacity in Mb for an audio-CD
74 min
= 333,000 sectors * 2352 bytes / sector
= 783216000 bytes
= 746.9 Mb

80 min
= 360,000 sectors * 2352 bytes / sector
= 846720000 bytes
= 807.5 Mb

Data capacity in Mb for a CD-ROM
74 min
= 333,000 sectors * 2048 bytes / sector
= 681984000 bytes
= 650.4 Mb

80 min
= 360,000 sectors * 2048 bytes / sector
= 737280000 bytes
= 703.1 Mb

Data capacity in Mb for a S/VCD
74 min
= 333,000 sectors * 2324 bytes / sector
= 773892000 bytes
= 738.0 Mb

80 min
= 360,000 sectors * 2324 bytes / sector
= 836640000 bytes
= 797.9 Mb


As you can see, the often quoted capacities of 650MB and 700MB refer to CD-ROM capacities.

Due to the fact that S/VCDs use a different burning mode where MORE of each sector is available as user data, the relatively capacities are HIGHER.

Now, since S/VCDs are not composed of PURELY video tracks and have some unavoidable overheads, the actually total capacity left for video tracks is a few Mb less for each disc (about 735 Mb for 74min discs and 795 Mb for 80min discs). This is where the often quoted capacities of 740MB and 800MB come from. They are quite accurate.

All these capacities are available BEFORE overburning. Overburning is where you burn MORE sectors than the disc is rated for. If you overburn, you can typically achieve about 1-2 minutes of additional capacity (depending on your drive and media).


UNIX For Dos Addicted Warez Puppiez And Their Pets

 UNIX For Dos Addicted Warez Puppiez And Their Pets

One of the most common operating systems in existance is Unix. Unix
  exists in many different flavors, from Berkeley BSD to AT&T System V
  to SunOs. Basic working knowledge of Unix is almost essential to a
  hacker, as it is the system a hacker is most likely to come across.
  If you intend to use the internet at all, or to do any serious
  exploration of Telenet, the ability to navigate through Unix is a
  necessity. (Unix is also the single most interesting system in
  existance: it's just fun to fuck with).

  Unix Logins


  Most Unix logins look essentially the same. A general Unix login

  prompt looks something like this:

  connected to five.finger.com


  That first line is the system identifier. Although it's not at all

  essential to what you are doing, it's good to know what system you are

  attempting to log on to.

  The second line is what typically identifies the system you are on as

  Unix. Almost all Unix systems greet a user with the same prompt:


  Well, there's not much to do in Unix from the outside, and Unix

  systems are typically fairly secure at this point. You may be able to

  obtain a list of users, or current users, by logging in as 'who', but

  other than that there are few functions available here.

  Unless you are on the internet, or have accounts specifically for the

  specific machine you are on, the only way on to the system is to try

  the default passwords. What are the default passwords?

  Unix systems come installed with certain passwords automatically. In

  addition, some accounts must exist on a system. One such account is

  'root'. This user is the divine Kami of the Unix system... in short,

  an all access pass. Unfortunately, few systems allow root logins

  remotely, and even fewer leave 'root' unpassworded. Nevertheless, it's

  always worth a shot... try this:

  connected to ren.stimpy.net

  login: root

  password: root

  invalid login


  well, nice try anyways... other possible passwords for root include

  'sysadmin', 'sys', 'admin'... you get the idea. You may also want to

  try these passwords with a single digit appended (added, idiot) to

  them... meaning the password 'root' could be 'root1' or 'root2'.

  An interesting tip about passwords in general... many people that use

  passwords under 8 characters tend to add a digit or a non-alphanumeric

  character to the password. This is done in order to hinder guessing,

  and to stop password breakers (more on this later). In this case, you

  may want to try adding a space before root... or even an ascii 255 to

  the end.

  Fortunately, there is more than one default password in a unix

  system... a quick list:

  sys        sys

  bin        bin

  daemon     daemon

  rje        rje

  setup      setup

  uucp       uucp/nuucp/anonymous

  nuucp      uucp/nuucp/anonymous

  mountfsys  mountfsys

  In the System


  Ok, at this point, I'm going to assume you've gotten past the login...

  as painful as that may sound. Although Unix may be secure from the

  outside, without effort from the system administrators, the inside of

  the system is not.

  First off, you'll likely by asked for a terminal. vt100 serves your

  purposes sufficently, and it's typically the default, so hit enter.

  Now, hopefully, you have a prompt. There are many different types of

  unix prompts, some of which contain current directory information,

  some of which are just a single character. Just don't panic when my

  examples don't look exactly like what you've got on your screen.

  The first thing you *need* to do on the system is establish your tty

  paramters. As eldritch and arcane sounding as this term may seem, it's

  actually quite simple... you need to tell the system what keys are

  going to do what.

  The command to set these parameters is 'stty'. Watch:

  squinkyB ] stty erase ^h

  squinkyB ]

  There... that wasn't so bad, was it? Well, it's also pretty

  meaningless to you, unless you have the ascii table memorized and are

  pretty good at on-the-spot deduction.

  The tty erase parameters determines which key is to be used as a

  backspace. At times, this may already be set when you log in, or it

  may be set to a suitable alternate (such as delete). Most of the time

  the system will tell you when you log on if this is so. In this case,

  we've entered ^h in order to make the backspace key, appropriately

  enough, backspace.

  Another extremely important parameter is 'intr'. The 'intr' paramter

  tells the Unix system what you intend to use as a break character...

  you should have this set to ^c.

  Getting Around


  A good thing to remember about Unix is that it's alot like DOS. Files

  are laid out in directories just as in DOS... in fact, the only

  immediate difference in the directory structures is that Unix uses a

  forward slash ("/", moron!) instead of a backwards one.

  Also, the basic Unix directory navigation command is identical to DOS.

  In order to change directories, you use the command 'chdir', or 'cd'.

  A quick example:

  1 /usr1/astoria ] cd ..

  2 /usr ]

  Wala. That simple. Quick notes:

  ю cd / will take you to root.

  ю cd /*pathname* will take you to *pathname*

  ю cd home will take you to your home directory.

  You can make and delete your own directories with the mkdir/rmdir

  commands. Simply put, mkdir makes a subdirectory off of the current

  directory, and rmdir removes a subdirectory from the current

  subdirectory. Good to know if you plan to do a lot of file transfers.

  An important note about Unix directories, files, and concepts:

  Unix is a case-sensitive operating system. Thus, the files

  ю Spleen

  ю spleen


  ю SpLeEn

  are all different. This rule applies to directories and command line

  paramters, as well as most other Unix ideas.

  Another nice thing to know about Unix: Unix files are not subject to

  the normal DOS 8 character limit. Thus, you can have vast filenames,

  such as "this_file_ate_my_biscuit".

  Some other important commands


  First and foremost, you should know cp. cp is the basic Unix

  equivalent of the DOS COPY command. The command line for cp is

  identical to that of COPY.

  Next on the scale of cosmic import is cat. cat is the Unix equivalent

  of the DOS TYPE command, and once again, for simple file displaying,

  the command line is identical.

   Variations on the theme:

   pg: displayes a file page by page. Type "pg x filename", where x is a

       number of lines to display before pausing and filename is the

       file you wish to display.

   more: displays a file screen by screen.

   Stupid pet trick:

   You can use your cat to copy files, simply by using the directional

   operators. To copy a file from here to there using cat, simply type:

   % cat here

   this is the file here

   % cat there

   this is the file there

   % cat here > there

   % cat there

   this is the file here

   The operator ">" simply takes the output from the cat command and

   places is in the location specified after it.

  Another vital command to know is 'rm'. rm deletes a file from the

  system, in the same way DEL would on a DOS system. Not to much else to


  Critical in your navigation of a Unix system is the ls command. ls is

  DOS DIR on heroin. Simply type ls and you get a nice, neat list of

  files in the directory.

   DIR on controlled substances:

   There are a few command line parameters that you should know...

   foremost is l. ls -l gets you a list of files, and valuable

   information about each file, including permissions (more on that

   later), size, and linked files.

   Another useful command for long file lists is C. ls -C gets you a

   list of files in multiple columns, much the same as DIR /W would

   merit a double column report of all existing files. A quick reminder:

   ls -C is NOT the same as ls -c. Unix = case sensitive.

  Another good command to know, mv will move a file from directory to

  directory. For those of you without DOS 6.0 <gasp>, mv simply copies a

  file to another directory and deletes the original.

   quick tip for files on the lam:

   if you want to rename a file (to protect the innocent), you need to

   mv a file to a different file name. A quick demo:

   # ls


   # cat myfile

   this is my file

   # mv myfile my_other_file

   # ls


   # cat my_other_file

   this is my file

  Another vastly important command is 'man'. In fact, man is probably

  one of the most important commands extant for a beginning user... it

  calls up the system's help files. To use man, simply type in 'man

  command', where command is a Unix command you seek to gain

  enlightenment regarding. It's a great way to gain an understanding of

  Unix commandline parameters.

  If you are interested in seeing who's been on of late, or just want a

  few names to try to hack, type 'who'. You get a quick list of users

  that have accessed the system lately. If you <god forbid> need to know

  who you are at this point, type 'whoami'.

  If you want to change your identity on the system, type 'su name'

  where name is an account on the system. It'll ask you for the account

  password, then, *presto*... instant transmogrification.

   A Caveat for smart alec hackers:

   Unix typically logs usage of the su command. While su may seem like a

   great opportunity to try to hack out passwords manually without

   worrying about the system hanging up after 3 attempts, it's typically

   not a good idea to do this, as it may alert the administrators to

   your presence.

  *Numero Uno on the list of commands NEVER to use on a Unix system:

  The 'passwd' command changes your password on a Unix system. Seems

  innocous enough, eh? Uh-uh. If your account is active, and there's a

  very strong chance that it either is or will be, there is no better

  way to lose the account than to change the password, only to have the

  legitimate user alert the sysadmins when he/she can't gain access to

  his/her normal account (well, there are better ways... you could

  simply mail the sysadmin and tell him you are trying to hack his

  grandmother's life support machine through your account).

  I've seen this single, quick command turn a extremely lax system

  into an ironclad security compound in less than a day.


  *Numero Dos on that same list:

  The 'mail' command reads and sends mail. So what? Well, unless your

  account is stable (and it isn't unless you either paid for it or

  killed the original owner in such a way that his body cannot claw it's

  way out of it's grave to it's keyboard), the user is more likely than

  not going to know if you read his mail. In addition, if you send mail

  out of the system (type 'mail', and a username/address; type in your

  message and end it with a ^d on it's own line), the response from your

  message will likewise alert the user to your presence.


System Spelunking

  The first place you want to check out in the wild uncharted directory
  tree of your friendly neighborhood Unix system is the "/etc"
  directory. What's in it? The single most intensely important file on
  the system (besides a world writable root owned SUID file... but don't
  worry about that)... the passwd file.
  What is in the passwd file?

  ю  a list of all accounts on the system
  ю  a list of the passwords for these accounts
  ю  a list of access levels for these accounts
  ю  a list of the home directories for these accounts
  ю  a list of information pertaining to these accounts.

  Why the hell the Unix designers decided this file should be world
  readable is beyond me. Be content to know that your standard everyday
  run-of-the-mill-lacking-in-certified-cosmic-power 'cat' command WILL
  display this file. As will pg and more. However, because most users
  don't have write permissions (more on that later) to the /etc
  directory, 'cat' is pretty much the only applicable command here.
  However, if you need to copy the file to your own directory (for
  whatever reason), just cat it there with the directional operator (>).
  The catch:
  Well, there are two catches here. First off, regardless of system
  security, if the passwords are in the file, they are encrypted. You
  can't decrypt them. Although you can get a list of accounts without
  passwords this way (just look for accounts with no entry in the
  password field), and a list of accounts that can't be logged onto
  remotely/at all (NO LOGIN), you can't get much else. Sucks, don't it?
  Notice I said 'if' the passwords are there.
  <ominous soundtrack please>
  Some horrible, paranoid, draconian system administrators mutilate
  their passwd files in such a way that (*gasp*) the passwords don't
  show up. All you get is one cold, icy X staring at you from the bowels
  of Unix Shell Siberia, mocking you as you pull your hair out in
  frustration (sorry, but this is a sore spot with me). The kidnapped
  passwords reside in the shadow file in the /etc directory, available
  with your standard everyday run-of-the-mill-but-distinct-in-the-fact-
  that-only-root-level-accounts-can-use-it-to-this-extent 'cat' command.
  Well, if the passwords are encrypted, what good are they?
  By themselves, nothing. A account with a Unix encrypted password will
  get you no further than an account with no listed password at all. You
  can't even deduce the amount of characters in the password if it's
  encrypted. So what's the use?
  The Unix method of encrypting files is available to the public. It is
  also, to most mortals, irreversable. Essentially, this means you can
  encrypt a string of characters, but not decrypt it. Even the unix
  system itself doesn't decrypt the password when you log on...
  When you log on, the Unix system takes whatever you enter at the
  password prompt, encrypts it, and matches it to the entry in the
  passwd file. Thus, the Unix system never decrypts the password... it
  only compares it to a different encrypted string.
  While this may not sound too particularly useful at first, it is.
  There are programs that have been written to do the same thing on a
  personal computer... you supply it a list of passwords and a list of
  words to attempt to use as passwords (called dictionaries), and it
  spends the night encrypting dictionaries and matching them to password
  entries. By running a dictionary through a passwd file, on a typical
  system, you can usually get 10-20 accounts. Good personal computer
  examples of this program idea include Killer Cracker (the industry
  standard, so to speak) and CrackerJack (faster than Killer Cracker).
   Quick tips for CrackerJunkies with leech access at an H/P BBS:
   A standard dictionary will not uncover passwords protected with an
   appended digit or non-alphanumeric character. In order to get around
   this, you need only grab a program that processes the dictionary file
   to add that digit to each entry in the dictionary... although this
   takes longer, and you'll need to do it multiple times, you can
   typically get 10 more accounts just by adding a 1 to every entry.
  Files and directories in Unix are characterized further by their
  permissions. Permissions are a standard system of who gets access to a
  specific function of that file or directory. Standard permissions
  include read, write, and execute. You can get a list of permissions by
  typing 'ls -l'. The first field in the listing contains the
  permissions, grouped as follows:

  owner  group   world
  rwx    rwx     rwx

  (Not drawn to scale... in fact, it doesn't look anything like that).
  Essentially, as long as the letter is there, you have access to that
  facet of the file. If the letter is not there, you'll see a dash...
  meaning you don't have access to that function. An example:


  In this case, the owner of the file can Read the file, Write to the
  file, and eXecute the file; members of his group (a bunch of linked
  accounts) can Read the file, CANNOT Write to the file, and can eXecute
  the file; and the rest of the user population CANNOT Read or Write to
  the file, but CAN eXecute the file.


  simply means that anyone can read, write, or execute the file.

  Another permission sometimes set to a file is the SUID bit. An SUID
  file contains a smallcase s in the user executable section of the
  permissions list...


  When you execute an SUID file, your user ID becomes that of the owner
  of the file. While this may not look to important at first, by now you
  should know that no really important super elite hacker concept does.
  Take a look at this:


  Synopsis? It's a world executable SUID file. In essence, anyone can
  execute the file, and in doing so, become the owner of the file for
  the duration of the time that file is operating. However, this doesn't
  get you much, because you typically can't do anything while the
  programis running. More likely than not, it's calculating how many
  pencils it needs to order for school tomorrow or some other such
  The real power of the SUID file comes into play in this situation:


  You won't see a lot of these, but when you do, look out. What you have
  here is a world writable SUID file... and a world writable program can
  be any program on the system you have read access to. Like, say,
  /bin/sh... the Unix shell...
  Quick command line example... 'diablo' is a root owned, world writable
  SUID file. I'm going to ignore the rest of the output of the ls

  #ls -l
  rwsrwxrwx... ...diablo
  #cat /bin/sh > diablo

  Oh, just so you know, the $ prompt denotes root access.
  Good deal, huh? In general, if you have right privs to an SUID file,
  copy it to your own directory and cat /bin/sh into it. You now have an
  instant gateway to the account of the owner of that file.
  If you want to find files that you can do this with, try this out:

  #find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec /bin/ls -al {} ";"

  This will give you a list of all root owned SUID files. If you want
  more info on the 'find' command, just 'man find'.

  Well, I'm overdo for an appointment on the IRC in #warez... so I'll
  cut off here. I hope I've been of assistance to you.

  A C T U A L  A R T I C L E  E N D S  H E R E . . .

  Please feel free to save an extra 1k of file space and invoke the DOS
  EDIT CUT command at the dotted line. Do not remove the rest of this
  article on penalty of law.

  S00P3R GR00P-3SQU3 GR33TZ / +HANX

  Greets go out to Nowhere Man, INC, THG, UNT, SaD, SoD, PTA, SOB
  Thanks to... ________________________
                     your ad here

  Current DWE Akshul M3mbre Boards:

  Nitro Burnin' Funny Cars    WHQ/DWEnet HOST     (312)582-1115  <XANAX>
  The Prodigal Sun            CHQ/MECCA           (312)238-3585  <ASRIEL>
  Dark Waters                 HQ/Infosite         (312)667-0222  <MONK>
  PyroTechnics II             Infosite            (708)991-9403  <PYRO>

  DWE M3/\/\B3R LiST

  President and Dictator for Life: Xanax
  Head Courier/Warez Cracker: Asriel
  Head Fisherman/Trout Expert: Changeling
  Head Person That Gets Asriel Free CDs: Monk
  Head Person That Gets DWE Members Free WaReZ: Pyro
  Head Person That Knows More Than Asriel (Honorary Title): LVX
  Head Person That Actually Wrote for DWE without Coercion: Cosmos
  Head Know-It-All Stoner that runs 386bsd: Goldstein

  Want to write for DWE? Neither do we. But if the spirit moves you,
  write up an article about anything we haven't discussed already, and
  post it somewhere in DWEnet or at any of the member boards, or call
  any of the members voice and dictate it to them, or submit it to them
  school newspaper of any of the members, or tack it on a bulletin board
  in the Third Coast Cafe in Century Mall, and chances are it'll be
  released as a s00per c00l DWE article.

How To Activate The Tablet Mode Win 10 " simple steps "

How To Activate The Tablet Mode Win 10 " simple steps "

Step 1: Open the Start Menu and select “Settings”.

Step 2: Select the “System” option.
Step 3: Turn the Tablet Mode switch from “Off” to “On”.

How To Upgrade Windows 10 Step By Step

How To Upgrade Windows 10 Step By Step

If your computer qualifies for a Windows 10 upgrade, then you can follow these steps to perform the upgrade:

Step 1:  Look for the Windows 10 notification in the lower-right corner of the screen. This is a one-year-only offer that Microsoft is extending to valid users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Step 2:  By clicking on the notification, it will start the download and installation process of Windows 10 in your system.

The download required for the upgrade is quite large, so make sure you have a stable Internet connection and continuous power for your computer to avoid interruptions during the process.

Step 3:  After the download is complete, it will prompt you to accept Microsoft’s license terms.

Step 4:  After agreeing to the terms, it will ask if you want to install the upgrade at that moment or schedule it for later.

Since the upgrade process can take approximately 2 hours, it will be helpful to schedule it for a time, that will be more suitable to you.

Step 5:  Once the upgrade starts, the system will perform a series of tasks, during which you will see the following screen.

During this time, your computer will reboot a couple of times, so don’t worry. The process itself will take you through the steps to complete the upgrade.

Step 6: As the upgrade approaches its end, it will ask you to configure some basic Windows settings. You can choose to use Express settings, which will apply the most common or recommended settings, or you can choose to customize the settings as you please.

Step 7: After the upgrade finishes, you’ll see the Windows welcome screen. Just click anywhere to go to the User Accounts Screen.

This screen lets you choose which user you want to log in to from the lower-left corner. After choosing the right user, and entering a password if necessary, you will see the Windows Desktop.

The Windows Desktop is simply your operating system main screen. Here you have access to an array of tools like the Start Menu, Taskbar, and other icons. Windows 10 also introduces a search box in the Taskbar, which facilitates browsing both your computer and the Web. good luck